Indiana’s Geology
David Dale Owen Survey Map
Indiana’s Geology
David Dale Owen Survey Map
Indian Land Grants
Richardville’s Ft. Wayne land (no online image available)
Water Power
1821 State Map
Early Indiana counties
Early Education
Caleb Mills (1854)
Racial Disparity
Indiana’s Black Registry
Article XIII
Prohibiting free blacks in Indiana
Civil War Recruiting Poster
General Eli Lilly
Women in the Civil War
Nurse Lucy Higgs Nichols
Indiana Prisoners of War
Pvt. Jackson Brashears
Hoosier Troops at War
Battle of Shiloh(no online image available)
How We Remember War
Soldiers and Sailors Monument
Indiana’s Canal Era
Lockport, Indiana
Recorded Sound
Preserving Pres. Harrison’s Voice
Railroads and Recreation
Traveling to Indiana’s Dunes
Indiana Car Manufacturers
McIntrye Automobile Co.
Indiana Entrepreneurs
Madam CJ Walker
Women's Suffrage
Indiana Women Demand the Vote
Indiana Avenue
Indy’s African American Community
Progressive Ideas Applied
IQ Testing at Ft. Harrison
CCC at work in Indiana
Angel Mounds excavation
Women and World War II
Soldiers Without Guns
POW’s in Indiana
Chapel at Camp Atterbury
Ernie Pyle Bronze Sculpture
The Cold War
Berlin before the Wall was built
Space Race
Neil Armstrong in his Purdue dorm room
Civil Rights
Hoosiers Support the March on Selma
Housing Discrimination
Redlining in South Bend
Indiana Students Protest
Title 9
Equity for Women Students & Athletes
New Targets of Discrimination
Ryan White and HIV
Desert Storm Veterans
Hoosiers go to war again
Preserving Memories
The Modern Powwow
Comics and Pop Culture
Batman’s Michael Uslan
Art and Architecture
The U.S. Supreme Court
Indiana's Sherman Minton (no online image available)
Center on Representative Government
201 N. Indiana Ave.
Bloomington, Indiana
Phone: (812) 856-4706
Fax: (812) 856-4703