The Library of Congress awards grants to educational organizations, including universities, historical societies, foundations, for-profits companies, and school districts that assist in the design and delivery of the Teaching with Primary Sources (TPS) program. These grantees, who comprise the TPS Consortium, deliver TPS professional development and academic courses, design curriculum and apps/online interactives using primary sources from the Library’s collections, and or conduct research on the classroom use of primary sources. The Center on Representative Government joined the consortium as a charter member in 2007.

iCivics Partner Resources serves as a resource hub for innovative products, accessible professional development, and more! This collection of products were developed by a number of organizations and supported by grants from the Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources Program. Each item is designed to engage students with meaningful opportunities to learn through primary sources from the Library’s online collections and beyond.
CivXNow, a project of iCivics, is the nation’s largest cross-partisan Coalition to fuel our constitutional democracy through K-12 civic education. Recognizing that preparing our youth to assume the responsibilities and understand their rights as active participants in the civic life of this great nation is essential to the health of our democratic republic, the CivXNow Coalition and its over 100 member organizations pledge to help every K-12 school in the nation fulfill their historic and vital civic mission and ensure that every young person acquires the civic knowledge, skills, and behaviors necessary for informed, authentic, and engaged civic participation.

The Civics Renewal Network is a consortium of nonpartisan, nonprofit organizations committed to strengthening civic life in the U.S. by increasing the quality of civics education in our nation's schools and by improving accessibility to high-quality, no-cost learning materials. On the Civics Renewal Network site, teachers can find the best resources of these organizations, searchable by subject, grade, resource type, standards, and teaching strategy. The Center is a founding partner of the Civics Renewal Network.
Share My Lesson is a destination for teachers, school staff and parents who dedicate their time and energy to provide the best education and learning for students everywhere. Share My Lesson members contribute content, share ideas, and stay in-the-know on the topics that matter, online, 24/7.