Our mission is to help prepare the next generation of citizens by working with educators to create programs that inform, inspire, and motivate students and to encourage civic participation to seek solutions to the many challenges that confront our nation today.
Our Challenge

For our democracy to succeed, we need to teach each new generation how to become informed and engaged citizens.
Congressman Lee H. Hamilton
Our Mission

Civic Learning Week
March 10-14 is Civic Learning Week and every day this week, we will highlight a prominent civics educator.

"Comments on Congress"
Lee H. Hamilton is one of the nation’s foremost experts on Congress and representative democracy.
Read his bi-weekly column here
If you are affiliated with a news outlet, please reach out to Valerie Peña to be added to the press list.
This article is one of five focused on civic education written by members of the Civics Renewal Network. This special section appears in the January/February edition of Social Education, a publication of the National Council for the Social Studies.

Everyday Civics: Tools for Daily Living
Our democratic system of government gives important duties to our elected representatives. But it also places special responsibilities on the American people. Our system of government doesn’t work, at least not legitimately, without the regular involvement and participation of its people.
Apps & Learning Modules
The Center on Representative Government has developed several cross-platform, multimedia resources for online and mobile devices.

For me as a classroom instructor, the best thing was having students who were engaged...they wanted to learn more.
Emily McCord, Batchelor Middle School